Baby Gear unltd: "Everything Baby" for Babies & Toddlers

Showcasing Baby and Infant Needs, Toys, and Gear.
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Below you'll find Merchants and Products which speak to the topic of this site and which, in keeping with our mission as The Web's Concierge, have been carefully chosen and individually screened for your shopping ease and pleasure. They are not paid ads, but rather companies with whom we have selectively chosen to partner. We do earn a referral fee if you find something you like or need and purchase it. We have striven to bring you the "best in breed" companies ... those that: we like, our friends like, have great sites and service, have good online reviews, positive consumer reports, and are family friendly. Keep us posted with regards to your own personal experiences with them.
You may be surprised at companies that have not been included. The "noisiest" in the marketplace are not always the best. We have chosen 1) newer innovative companies that are performing well and garnering respect in their respective niches as well as 2) "Main Street" companies that have been reliably getting the job done for decades ... in some cases centuries. Our oldest partner, thus far, has been in business since 1819! That's staying power.
Rest assured, if we've included a certain vendor in a site's line-up, there's a very specific reason for it. You may have to hunt and poke a bit, but it'll be well worth the effort. Enjoy the adventure!

The Leader of the Pack
Customer Favorites:
Babybug: Launches a child into a lifelong love of books and reading ... may as well start right at the beginning ... let's say 6 months! Books just the right size for small hands are filled with fun stories and poems that children have loved hearing again and again for eons. Wonderful illustrations enhance the experience for babies and parents alike. For children 6 mos to 3 years. The largest and fastest site dedicated to "care" on the globe ... dedicated to helping you find caregivers ... babysitters, nannies, child care and senior home caregivers - near you. Post jobs for babysitting, tutoring, home health care, pet care, etc. Even find your next housekeeper! Featured on ABC and USA Today. (As always ... when you're dealing with the well-being and safety of your loved ones ... it's always good to go an extra 10,000 miles in the "due diligence" process. That being said, it's a valuable resource. And we've all been in these shoes.) The site also offers much information on the subject of caregiving.

Kohl's: One amazing department store - if you put it in your home, on your body, or if it involves sports, play, or toys of any type, they've got it. (A hint ... if you are looking for counter or bar stools, this is probably the most extensive selection on the planet!)

Macy's: And yes ... it is still magical ... even after all these years. Another beautifully organized "department store" with a vast array of goods. Almost as much fun to shop online as at 34th Street! At least you don't have to deal with the crowds!

Melissa & Doug: These guys are heroes when it comes to the design and manufacturing of quality toys for kids of all ages. They've been at it for over 25 years. You'll find 1,000s of well-designed quality toys that translate into hours ... years ... of fun and learning. At a minimum, you'll find games and toys ... including classic favorites, play food sets, arts & crafts projects & supplies, baby toys, etc, etc. What they also have that is very special and unique is a selection of Special Needs Toys ... toys that help children develop and gain control over their respective "exceptionalities" through PlAY. You'll find toys that specifically address: fine and gross motor skills; cognitive skills; speech, language, and oral motor skills; social, emotional, and life skills; sensory awareness issues; and even picky and finicky eating habits! Quality toys for fun and learning. A parent's dream come true. A big build-up ... but deserved.

Carseat Canopy: Provides the ability to cover baby in his or her carseat and protect him or her from the elements or even other people. While a "canopy" can be purchased separately, every "well-appointed" baby deserves the whole 5-piece Caboodle ... carseat canopy and interior lining, slipcover, head support pillow, lap blanket, and umbrella!

Pharmapacks: A One-Stop Shop for All Your Daily Needs ... from Make-up and Haircare Products to Medical Care Aids and Household Comfort Necessities. This favorite shopping destination has become one of the Web's 5 top favorite places to shop ... the company has worked its way into the Fortune 50. They've really covered all the bases when it comes to customers' "wants and likes".

The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy Fitness - Digital: Preconception to Postnatal ... your complete guide to the health and fitness of the pregnant and postpartum woman and her newborn before, during, and after pregnancy. Brings you information on safe workouts, nutrition guidance, meal plans, medical news, pregnancy beauty tips, and more.
More Resources:
Amazon: One of the planet's most mind-boggling arrays of goods. First came the books. Now they've added every other product on the planet. The ultimate in selection and convenience across multiple categories.

BJ's: Probably America's favorite wholesale shopping club. Great for individuals, families, and small businesses (actually big ones too!). Not much you can't find here. And at great prices.

HerbsPro: Just about the world's largest resource for Herbal Supplements and Top Shelf Brand Vitamins, as well as EVERYTHING else you could possible put on your everyday needs and grocery list ... for you, your pets, and your house and yard. All incredibly well organized. You are gonna love shopping here!!

Highlights Hello: The beloved children's title now even has a version for the littlest people ... Kids 0-2. Its goal ... to engage the youngest set visually, help them develop a sense of awareness of the world around them, introduce the concept of reading, offer helpful parenting tips, and help develop strong parent-child bonds. Love the title ... so apropos.
Indigo Books & Music: No question ... A favorite - that is an understatement - Canadian destination for books, toys, gifts, entertainment, and electronics and much more ... they've been doing it for a good while and they just keep getting better.

ISeeMe: Creating personalized board books (readers and activity), gifts, and gear for children and babies ... a celebration of each child's uniqueness combined with your special occasion/life event and theme of choice.
Kalyx: Kalyx is a neat and unusual destination that covers several distinct and diverse (distinct and diverse on steroids) niches, yet does them comprehensively. There probably is no more extensive resource on the planet for herbs (especially in bulk) and "natural food" products including homeopathic extracts (a bit pricey), nutritional supplements, natural therapies and remedies, etc. The same goes for Sports & Games ... an incredibly vast selection of every Sport and Game imaginable. Then there's the Personal Care, Kitchen and Housewares products (for personal and commercial varieties), Gardening and Hydroponics, and even Science (definitely geared to the teaching environment here) categories. An unusual site, but one you want to be sure to check out when you've either got lots of time to browse or quickly need something in a distinct category. A site that fills both leisurely and "gotta get it now" browsing methods.

KMart: Offering a wide range of merchandise from appliances, electronics, and toys to apparel, home decor, and sporting goods ... and much, much more. It would be hard for us to calculate the goods we've bought here over the years. Great stuff, great prices ... every once in a while the online customer service gets a bit flukey... What's neat ... they've still got their great layaway plan available online!

Udder Covers: A Colorful and Fashionable, Discreet "Udder Cover" that allows nursing mothers to breastfeed their babies anywhere, anytime ... confidently, in comfort, and in style. And all the while be able to keep eye contact with baby. What a fabulous idea! Every geek's favorite shopping site.. It's a guess, but an educated one and probably not too far off the mark. More recently, they've added to their inventory ... at this juncture, they've become a first rate one-stop shop for just about anything you could need or want.
Young Explorers: The online version of the catalog for young explorers ... providing fun and creative educational toys that allow kids to learn and safely explore their world through play and to gain skills that can be practically applied ... even in their future, chosen vocations! Just a wonderful collection of specialty toys.

Sears: What started as your favorite catalog store has survived to become a giant retailer - 2,300 Sears branded and affiliated stores across the US and Canada - of all your "home, hearth, and garden needs" including apparel, appliances, tools, and automotive products. We may take them for granted, but there isn't much they don't have across all niches ... all displayed across an organized, easy to navigate site.

Shopko: Offering a Real Online Smorgasbord of Products and Brands (They've Been Doing It Offline Since 1962). A huge selection ... everything from "Minions" to Mach-speed Tablets!

Warner Bros Online Shop: The Official Store of Warner Bros Studios ... Just Too Cool. You'll Find, Not Only the Movies, But Collectibles, Clothing, Accessories, Costumes, Home Decor, and Toys & Games that Tie In with All Your Favorite Movies. Be Prepared to Spend Some Time Here.

Wayfair: An absolute favorite ... no mater the style of your home, you will find the answer to every interior design and decorating challenging amongst this company's wares ... be it furniture or decorative accessories. I could (and you may) spend a whole day shopping this site ... either with a dedicated shopping list in hand or just to browse for ideas. Enjoy.
Zoobies: Toddler-tough, pint-sized magazine from the publishers of Zoobooks that introduces children ... newborn to 2 years ... about all the members of the animal kingdom. "Readers" will love the "lift-the-flap" and "peek-a-boo" features, as well as the vibrant photographs and illustrations poems, and fingerplays!